Welcome to EurOcean’s call for a Pool of Experts!
EurOcean, the European centre for information in marine science and technology, is an international, scientific, independent, non-profit organization. It was founded in 2002, by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER), in response to a growing need for marine science and technology actors to work together more closely, and for information from the sector to be better organized and more readily available.
Committed to spreading science-based knowledge, EurOcean is a strong network of ocean science and technology organizations, working on science communication and information transfer, cross-sector interactions, access to research facilities and specialized knowledge, building of scientific capacity and innovation, and creating new opportunities for its members and other stakeholders.
EurOcean organises, develops, or implements numerous activities, that may require specific expertise to complement the one existing in-house. The specific expertise could be provided by individuals identified through this call for a Pool of Experts.
To be included in this pool of experts, applicants must submit:
- The pool of experts’ enquiry form, available here;
- A CV in Europass format (preferable) highlighting the experience referred to in the form.
The documents should be sent to info@eurocean.org with the subject “Pool of experts”.
This call is open permanently.
The personal data collected in the form and CV will be used exclusively by EurOcean for the purposes of this call.