Information | Interaction | Innovation

Information | Interaction | Innovation

Information | Interaction | Innovation

Information | Interaction | Innovation

Information | Interaction | Innovation

Information | Interaction | Innovation
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Members endorsements
IEO-CSIC is an organization strongly focused towards ship-based oceanographic research and EurOcean is one of the best platforms to collaborate with other important European Organization in joint Projects like Eurofleets (2009-2013), Eurofleets 2 (2013-2017) and Eurofleets + (2019-2023) aiming towards the integration of the European Research Fleet.
Instituto Español de OceanografíaIEO
As a member, almost from the foundation of the EurOcean, the benefits we observe are multifaceted. The membership gave us the opportunity to establish many new institutional and personal contacts, which profited with interesting initiatives and projects we were part of. Finally, the membership gives us great satisfaction for being a part of an organization that provides the much-needed service for society.
Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of SciencesIO PAN
EurOcean's has allowed us to be on top of marine science & innovation information. From financing programs, projects, events and training, EurOcean's has collaborated with FRCT in several initiatives.
Regional Fund for Science and Technology | Azores GovernmentFRCT
As a founding member of EurOcean, IFREMER strongly believes in the benefits of a focal point for information on marine science and technology. In our view, the achievements of EurOcean in the field of marine research infrastructures, for example, have largely contributed to the co-ordination and more streamlined access to such facilities.
L'Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la MerIFREMER
Joining EurOcean offers us access to interesting data, networking opportunities and project proposals.
Flanders Marine InstituteVLIZ