EurOcean’s Cooperating Member, EFARO, is pleased to invite you to the Webinar on European Eel Management, which will be held on Wednesday, May 7th from 10.00 to 12.00 CEST.
To enable recovery of the eel population, the European Commission has obliged Member States through the Eel Regulation to draw up Eel Management Plans, including a description of management measures. Examples of such measure include: removing physical barriers, the release of glass eel, a release obligation for anglers and a closed season for eel fishing. In this EFARO workshop, we will discuss the possibilities and limitations of EMPs in eel management & recovery, as well as the most important ways forward to achieve better knowledge for better eel management.
The session will feature a first hour dedicated to presentations and, after a short coffee break, the second hour will be dedicated to questions and discussions.
You can join by using the link: Join the Meeting now.
- Jan-Dag Pohlmann, Thünen Institute
- Katarzyna Janiak, DGMARE
- Niki Sporrong, Fiskesecretariatet
- Andrew Kerr, Sustainable Eel Group