We all live by the sea. No matter how far from the sea you live, next to the beach or far away in the mountains, you still have a great impact on it. And it is up to you whether you create a positive relationship with the sea or have an adverse impact on it.
We believe that educating people about the importance and the beauty of marine environments is the key to creating positive attitudes towards the sea.
The idea behind this project involves a worldwide contest for young people up to the age of 21. The contest will be held in four age categories:
- 5 to 12,
- 13 to 15,
- 16 to 18,
- 19 to 21.
We expect from participants to use any type of visual arts to present a story of “their sea”. Therefore, we will have three categories, Photo, Film and Storie.
To know more about the contest, find all the information here.