Nautilos project saw the completion of the first batch of sensor and instrument prototypes, developed under WP3 – one of two work packages devoted to the advancement of novel sensing techniques. The broad focus of the WP3 instrumentation is Biogeochemistry and Biology, with sensors and instruments targeting the detection of primary productivity, marine life, and marine sound, through a variety of techniques. Five partners have taken part in this developments.
The stimulation and detection of fluorescence are used in four of the sensors. Fluorescence at different wavelengths can be used to detect certain naturally occurring biological material, as well as serving as a secondary measure of dissolved chemicals that can affect fluorescence decay. In one of the WP tasks, HES-SO has developed a novel Dissolved Oxygen (DO) sensor that relies on highly precise measurement of the decay time of a fluorophore in the presence of the test sample. The sensor and electronics have already been successfully miniaturised for field deployment.
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